
FSL Plus 8×8″ PreCut Sheets Sticky Self-Adhesive Water Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer Backing 103

FSL Plus 8×8″ PreCut Sheets Sticky Self-Adhesive Water Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer Backing 103

Also Available in Our Retail Store
1001 Knight Avenue, Ponca City, OK 74601

Call for More Information: (580)765-9999

Great for use on top of towels, fleece, knits, and most other napped fabrics. Prevents the stitches from sinking into the fabric for better embroidery quality. This self-adhesive stabilizer is sticky and dissolves fast in both hot & cold water. 

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25 Sheets, 50 Sheets, 100 Sheets, 500 Sheets

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